
Common greeting

- Thank you!

  1. - You’re welcome.
  2. - No problem.
  3. - No worries.
  4. - Don’t mention it.
  5. - My pleasure.
  6. - Anytime.
  7. - It was the least I could do.
  8. - Glad to help.


Chances are…

no amount of … (It has no help although the amount is great)

beyond my knowledge/ have no idea / unknown

……(clause), even when ……(clause)

…… go a long way towards ……

​ e.g. Even the very act of sharing your fear with someone who can empathize and understand goes a long way towards relieving the pressure.

Make up one’s mind

​ make a decision; decide.

​ “he made up his mind to attend the meeting”

Make up

​ 构成 Women officers make up 13 percent of the police force.

​ 编造 I think it’s very unkind of you to make up stories about him.


​ e.g. You scared hell/shit out of me.你把我吓死了

get to the grips with

​ I’m slowly getting to grips with the language.

have a thing for sb. 对某人有感觉

That settles it! 就这么定了 = That’s the deal!

I’ve got a good feeling about you.

You’ll find out!你马上就会知道

I was wondering if …… 我想知道是否……

have rocks in one’s head 脑袋进水

  1. to be silly or creazy
  2. airhead 傻瓜(脑袋进水)

Here is ……

search on the internet

did you get the chance?

at the expense of xxx 以xxx为代价

focus a lot of your attention on 集中大部分注意力在…

represent=stands for 代表

butter up 恭维(来自《慎小嶷十天突破雅思口语》,如“恭维考官”即butter up examiners)

# times in a row连续几次….., eg. win a price 3 times in a row

If something happens several times in a row, it happens that number of times without a break.

follow currrent events in the news 关注时事新闻

fit in with xxx= 融入xxx

relate [xxx] to xxx 融入xxx、和xxx有联系

wimpy:形容某人weak 并且 seem to lack confidence or determination.

have never done sth as adj. before 从来没有这么adj.地做过xxx

​ I’ve never gripped anything as tight before in my life

build-up (to sth)(重要事情的)准备期,准备过程

built-up area 建成区


(not) a great deal : a large amount.

​ “I don’t know a great deal about politics”

​ -How much do you know about this city?

​ -Not a great deal

​ there is not a great deal you can do if you have what we called a street canyon

Good luck=break a leg = 祝你好运

Give’em hell 打败他们,给他们点颜色看看

sound :You can describe your impression of something you have heard about or read about by talking about the sound of it.

​ 雅思听力C5T1S1原句I like the sound of the holiday that mentioned whales.

you are gorgeous=you look incredible你很美丽

I’m freaking out

then and there 当场,立即

stick around 逗留,留下(phrasal verb)

get along (with sb) (和某人)相处 (phrasal verb)

easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难

build/hone skills 磨练技能

run into (problems)遇到(问题等)

Chinese equivalent of xxx

​ Weibo is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter

​ Taobao is the Chinese equivalent of Amazon

what’d you have in mind? 你怎么想的

point of views

what’s going on with them 他们的事

huge/ massive/ enormous/substantial increase

heavy/harsh/severe punishments(注意s)


before drivers sit behind the steering wheel 司机开始上路之前

the amount of time that children sit/spent in front of TV 儿童看电视的时间


everyone sould be vegetarian 中文:每个人都应该吃素=英文:每个人都应该是素食者

There are two reasons why more teenagers commit crime. 有两个原因来解释为什么越来越多青少年犯罪; 注意reasons 后面直接加why,不需要explain等动词

Crime: UNCOUNTABLE illegal activities in general




help somebody (to) do something

alleviate/mitigate the problem 缓解问题

alleviate: to make something less painful or difficult to deal with

alleviate the problem/situation/suffering etc


pass the time/ kill time

leisure/spare/free time 空闲、自由时间


in this day and age在当今世界


很少hardly ever/almost never, once in a blue moon

时不时from time to time, not often, at times

经常quite often, frequently

How long

is about 3 hours long

do xxx for hours/days/… on end 连续几个小时/几天不停xxxx

for + 时间段

sth. take(s) (sb) 时间段 做某事用了某人xxx时间

Drawing this picture takes me 3 hours.

Moment 时刻/时间点

现在 at the moment, now, currently


That’s neat=neat! 这很酷

I’m happy, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven, over the moon, have a ball (enjoyable不行,是让别人感到开心,只能形容物)

enjoyable, make someone’s day, amuse

in a bad/good mood 好/坏心情


he is a household name in China

name: a person, company, or product that is very famous or is known by many people

big/famous/household name

settling quarrels (不是setting) 解决争端

fight with : to argue about something 争吵,争论

explaining for themselves

tolerating strange actions 宽容,包容(和人交往中的)

put oneself in someone’s shoes 站在别人角度看问题

xx is less likely to be achieved = xx is often not possible

develop faster socially在社交方面发展更快

get along/on (with)

go to school at an early age

an aging population


I remember that

I would do sth.


doubt myself

part of reason

for a while

happens a lot

reveal my vulnerabilities

have courage to …

polite / courteous (n. courtesy) /well-mannered / well-behaved

hang out呆着,spend time,不一定是外面闲逛


family members, folks(注意发音)

spend time

tight-knit family

loving and caring parents

flesh and blood 亲骨肉(亲人)

You’re my grandson. My flesh and blood.


question your lifestyle/….

carry around携带

reward points 积分(信用卡积分reward points for paying by card)

seemed quite as motivated or as confident. (seem as adj. as adj.)

deviate from schedule 偏离计划

Give me a minute/second=just a moment=hold on=hang on

I’ve never done anything like this before 我从来没有做过这样的事

hit the n.(地点或物) 去做xxx

​ …… mall, field, library, tracks, hay, books,pool

​ 去购物/踢足球/学习/跑步/睡觉/学习/游泳

XXX pounds a head


have a word with sb :speak briefly to someone.

playing video games/reading/scrolling on my phone 玩手机(打游戏、阅读等)

I’m typing on my computer 我正在打字

we offer/serve xxx(like coffee, tea) 我们提供…..

here you are=here you are=here it is 给你

keep in touch with sb 和某人保持联系

share information with the public分享信息(在社交媒体)

Become disoriented, Don’t have a sense of purpose 迷失自我

而lose oneself是指沉浸在…中,全神贯注做某事 to give all of one’s attention or thought to something eg. He lost himself in his work.

Use profanity, use bad language, swearing 说脏话(脏话bad language而不是dirty language)

growing (crops/… )种植… V.S. plantation种植园

housework, chore(s) 家务


keep fit保持健康

balanced diet均衡膳食

cooking skills 烹饪能力

improve my cooking 提升烹饪能力

health food 健康食物

Prone to health problems, Risk of illness 容易生病


XXX is my passion 我的爱好是XXX

I’m passionate about xxx 我的爱好是XXX

xxx person 用来说自己喜欢xxx,尤其是涉及对比

XXX is (not) my type = XXX is (not) my cup of tea 喜欢(不喜欢)某物

Take airplane

proceed to gate 54 for boarding 前往54号登机口登机

gate=boarding gate=departure gate

check out 核对证件(passport等)

check bags/luggage/baggage=bag to be checked 托运

​ carrying it on the plane带上飞机(和托运相对)

carryall 大的行李包(a large soft bag)

trunk 行李箱

carry-on bag飞机上随身携带的包,

​ bag=luggage一般托运的行李,与carry-on bag区分


boarding pass登记的票/登记证

terminal: a building within an airport where passengers go to depart on flight

you are all set你都准备好了

depart=take off起飞

change/switch/swap seat换座位

look out of the window=see out from the window 从窗户向外看

window shade窗户遮阳板

would you like something to eat/drink/… 你想要吃/喝/…什么

What do you have? 你有什么

I’ll have the …. , thank you(点餐)我要….


give/ask directions=how do I get to there

general location

detail direction


school curriculum

private school, private education

public school, state education system


hold a full-time position

base in Shanghai/…

- Do you study or work now?

- I’m currently working

I work part-time/full-time at [Company/Organization Name]


  • My role primarily involves xxx
  • I’m responsible for xxx

career prospect职业前景

a relative high/fat/decent/… salary (不是higher!) 相对丰厚的薪水

(was compelled to) work overtime (被强制)加班

a(an) heavy/overwhelming workload 很重的工作量

work from home 居家办公


job opportunity 工作机会
better schools and universities 更好的学校(小学、初中、高中)和大学
leisure activity 休闲活动
dynamic and exciting 有活力的、令人激动的
multinational 跨国公司
graduate 毕业生
further one’s career 令某人的事业更进一步
internationally renowned 国际闻名的
bar area 酒吧区
nightclub 夜店
theaters and concert halls 剧院和音乐厅
landmark 地标性建筑
air pollution 空气污染
overcrowding n. 过度拥挤
expensive housing 高昂的房价


places of historical interest

tourist attractions

scenery spot


reserve a place(订位置)

what the times

leave at/return at (几点)出发/离开


know your staff 对自己的领域熟悉

get hold of

​ grasp (something) intellectually; understand.

​ (informal) obtain. “if you can’t get hold of ripe tomatoes, add some tomato puree”

public/private education system/sector 公立/私立教育部门

gain/obtain knowledge

join/take/attend courses


jump, hop, skip


hop 类似jump但是单腿 跳房子就是hop

skip 小孩子一样欢乐地跳着走

Phrases and phrasal verbs

having said that

heart sank

the last thing I know

serve(s) sb well

a strokeof work

take a back seat

(sb’s) sore point

put (sb’s) feet on it