




to arrange(不是tour range)

what are the times normally = whatar the times

fixed 不是fix,后面有一个停顿/小声音s或d

leave at 8:30 a.m. (吞音,发音leavet或leave a) 不是leave in、leaved

return at 6 p.m.(吞音,发音return a)


I saw it this morning(吞音it)

interested 不是interest,后面有一个停顿/小声音d或interesd(t吞音变d)

with full refund 不是which will refund

what visits are planned for this term?=what visit sr planned…


I‘ve already = I forready

where’s the option visit= where the(注意是/ði/不是/ðə/)

well worth a visit(不是well worth visit it

thanks for all that = thank /θɔ/ that

have a word with my assistants

thank you very much for all your help= … foo your hel …


brief account to the history 不是brief card

roam about on your own = roa ma bou ton you own不是run about at your own

minerals and iron ore

abundance of local fuels 听不懂fuel,可以通过后面列举的词判断

craftsmen first built an iron forge

on the bend in the river

seventeenth and eighteenth centries=seventeenth 嗯 eighteenth

steam engine= stea mengine

of the site= o fa site

for yourself = fyourself

see it at the bottom= see i at the bottom

and immediately to our right= an dimmetia k(应该是ly)to our right

good to know 不是could to know

at the top

furnace is= furnaceis smelted

that were made through the ages=thatwe ma through…


sharpened and =sharpen den

isn’t an antique = isn tan anti

do serve 不是do some

you’ll be pleased to know b和p虽然连读但是略有间隔

towards the end of the eighteenth centray

where the发音类似whether

horses were kept=horsesr kept 重读kept,轻读略读were

some of the old accounts on display= song o the olda count son display

starting at the engine room= starting /ə/ the …

if you’d like to = if you like to 吞音,有轻微暂停


with the second assignment = wi the seconda signment

and it is= an 地s

due in 12 days=duen 12 days

trouble are you having = trouble ru having 发音f非常轻,在trouble和u中间过渡发出

getting hold of the books=getting hoo the books

should have started =shouldav stared

a bit earlier = a bi earlier

due in 类似doing 前者稍慢

compassionate reasons = compassiona reasons

and we don’t like giving extensions =an dwe don’t li giving …

obviously=oviously 内部失去爆破

since you did so well = sinceu di so well

that’ll mean you’ll need to submit it about a month from now=that’ll mee you’ll nee to submitt about a month fnow

very relevant things =ve relevan things

not essential=no tsential 不是not sextual


try and read = tryan rea

bother with that at this stage = bother wi th /a th stage

where he=where ei 不是where we,he发音是re和he的过渡

why I include类似why aren’ include

could be of some help=coul be o some hel o不容易听清,最后2个类似 somehow

deal with the assignment=deal o the signment deal和with过渡音变成o

what seems=wha seems 类似why seems

got to photocopy=got to phocopy不是got to fin(d) copy

things that go wrong=things tha go wrong 发音tha很轻很弱


bus or train = busortrain

get them into the city=get them nte嗯它 city

that reason was given quite a lot=tha reason …


for us to live in=fores tliving

planting of various kinds=plantingo various kinds,发音o很轻很快

do all that=doall that 打all that

got an internal mechanism = gotan …

hot sunny day

a property which can be exploited

force of winds = forceo wins 是of不是or

make it windier at ground=make it windier a ground

sides 发音类似size,要和sites区分:结尾的s前者是/dz/,后者是/s/


at side of the road=ai side o the road

noise still goes through = noistill goes through

not as large as people = notai largeas people

as though they aren’t there = ai tho they aren there


it may therefore be发音分散不是… there for be

street canyon



operate t吞音

up p吞音

the sound of xxx (印象中)的xxx

​ You can describe your impression of something you have heard about or read about by talking about the sound of it.

these 不是this,可以通过后面的复数猜到

of course in peak time =of coursein pea time

we do them every weekend=we do them 蕊 kend 蕊是em和wee的过渡音

there’s one= there s’one 不是吞音后的next one,there’s的r和s发音很轻

April a good time = Aprila goo time

whale sighting 看鲸鱼

that 发音很快只有tha,但不是but

the hotel itself where you stay = the hotel itsel fwayu stay

that costs more or less the same=tha cos smorer less the same


by the hour 英音不容易听出the hour

table tennis tables


talk to my partner =talto xxx

provisional 临时的


children of up to 3 years old=… opa to …

feature 介绍,类似fetch,但中间是长音ee



testers liked the fact that =testers lay the fa that

that it had =tha i had

mattered too much=matta too much

there were a bit concerned about=there were abi concerne dabout

fingers in it= finger sinit

our testers felt that=our tes tasfel tha 不容易听出来tester

minus side=minus side

did not like the fact that the side of =di no li th factha thside o

testers found = testas found


labbled =labble

lowered 不是lower it

negatives for=negative sfor

minor 注意含义、英音读法

niggle: If something niggles you, it causes you to worry slightly over a long period of time

became detached= became (de)tached de发音非常轻

makes have=makes’ve have变成后缀发音v

will then be=woothen be

safe in every way=safein eve ryway

we have made=we ha made

metal present 注意区分metal和mental

smooth edging =smoothe dging



type 发音为ty

your own study habits 发音own很弱不清楚


before that I worked= … tha I …

office of a computer engineering=offi cewa ,,.

5 years of relevant work experience = 5 yearsa …

what I’m hoping to = wham hoping to

finances 不是finansis

have agreed to =have agree to

afford to support myself = affor to support myself 发音to类似true,和前面的affor连读

wouldn’t have to take any time off work= wouldnve …

workshop 类似seminar,讨论特定主题,分享知识或经验

coursework:work that students do during a course

would I have to do = woul I have to do

It’s a mixture 发音a很弱,并且连读成 It’sa

counts towards your final assessment=towardsyour 发音 towards哟儿

hand in a short report =han din a shor report 发音a很弱

xxx on top of working =on to po working 工作之外的xxx

and really tiring 不是I’m 是and

12 weeks at a time = 12 weeks ata time 发音ata 类似athe

work in more depth 更深入地研究

base that on your job = basetha ton your jo

talk this over with your employers=tal this owith …

talke over : If you talk something over, you discuss it thoroughly and honestly.


attitudes of various social and cultural groups 发音attitudes 不是institutes,various吞音类似vary

guide to=gui to guide不是guy

instruction 不是construction

pretension 自命不凡

​ If you say that someone has pretensions, you disapprove of them because they claim or pretend that they are more important than they really are.

question a lot of the assumptions containd in = question a lot o the assumptions containdin

look at what men and women = look awha …

save up=savewa 爆破音p很难听出来,up像wa

main priority 发音类似man priority, n很轻很弱

put (money) aside (for …) (为了….)攒钱

old age 老年

disturbing: Something that is disturbing makes you feel worried or upset.

throughout 不是throw out

may 不是吞音的made

who will most often 主要连读

the very worst time=… wors time发音和worse time一样,要通过the区分

because of a lack of confidence=because / oa lack of confidence

get xxx informed为她们提供指导

dependent / on other people’s advice

initiatives have been set up 方法已经被设置好

​ Initiative:An initiative is an important act or statement that is intended to solve a problem.

skills 不是scales


student at North College 发音studenta …

fill out = fillou 发音类似废老

it needs to have your address 不是it needs to be have…

I was at 发音at类似a

you will find they don’t they发音是the 像you

allow twelve items borrowed at any one time = … borrow datany one time 迪太嗯(尼) one time

for four weeks 不是be four weeks

in place 什么意思

booklet with all the details =bookle thall

not required by anyone else = no require by anyone else

logging on to our website = logging on tour


nominal charge



booked the computer out = book the computer ou t非常轻

have a=ha wa害娃

have them on these databases = ha themon the databases

Sunday Times Sunday 发音类似Sundy

for both A4 and A3 =for bo A4an3

through the library 不是to the library


at the library= athe library

friday = fri 不是right

be along later this week to join

​ be along:to arrive到来


pedal 不是peddle

​ pedal: The pedals on a bicycle are the two parts that you push with your feet in order to make the bicycle move.

How to support us = Howd suppor tus

but first = buuu(t) first 不是at first,仔细听有2个音节

of exporting= oee xporting

just after graduating=just af graduating

three years of studying 发音of很弱

wanted adventure=wante da(d)venture 不是wanted toa(d)venture

carry out (survey)

came to an end after = cameto enn dafter 听不出an

had the = ha the

meant he could get where he wanted to go =meant he cou get where he wantt to go

in a three-kilometre 发音a很轻

how skilled they were = how skilled they were

example of a town =example ova town 发音a很轻很弱

that’s received bicycles =that’s receive … 听不出that’s

full container 不是four containers,除了区分读音,也要注意加的s

people there now own a bicycle 听成there then

recognise it as the same place= .. ita … 没有听出as

managed to ensure = manag toengsure

went out 发出 (货物)

helped us enormously

winning the award helped raise our profile =winning the war hel praise our profile

so that our office staff=so that ourffi staff that ourffi 连读很难听出

strip it for spare parts

​ strip:to separate an engine or piece of equipment into pieces in order to clean or repair it

staff at our offices = sta faourffices

bring in funds for us

sponsored bike rides = spons_ bi kerides sponsored后半部分连读吞音,但是要留出位置

interested to hear of other places= interested to hearo other …


group did too= grou di too

lot out of it

you’ve 在you之后加上咬唇v的音

what about you what abou 旧 类似:what did you what di 旧

what to make yet 不是make him


words that = wor that 不是work,结合上下文主题”英语练习“

you*’d* learnt 发音d失去爆破,u变长

how important editing is = .. importan dediting … t和后面的editing连读

you think that 听起来像using that

when we’d complete d失去爆破但要留出位置

we should’ve agreed abou thatin the begining = shoulda gree dabou thatin …

we should’ve tried to


but you’ll have bu u嗷 have


uninhabited on a permanent basis


place of great intellectual change 发音of很弱

modern tourst

a wilderness of great beauty= wilderness ogreat ..


research and exploration = researchen exploration 不是researching …

and has = 安带s 可以从后文的名词推断出has


satellite link 卫星通信线路,卫星连接

ice-shelf 冰架

sledges 雪橇

ice-edge 冰缘线

hasn’t 不是 has

snow build ups 积雪

raised above the changing snow level on legs = raise dabo … ang legs

undertake heavy physical work 发音吞掉ke

high in carbohydrate and fat 富含碳水化合物和脂肪



rations for fieldwork(实地考察的配给量) 不是Russians

in whatever capacity = … wha ever …

crucial field 重要的领域


surveying 不是serving

ice sheet

map-makers 发音p很弱

insight:a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea


  1. any particular make in mind? 以为make听错了

  2. I’ve had one before and liked it. = ha on before

  3. made up my mind = mada my mind

  4. I’d like a bit more power = lika bi more

  5. have you got one in? = ha u go onein? 太快听不出来

  6. have a look at it in a minute = look ati n a minute

  7. I presume you’d want a manual听不出’d

  8. here’s the colour chart for the Max = chart听不出 here’s像it’s

  9. have you given that any thought? “你有想过吗” 没懂中文,thought不熟

  10. This blue’s very popular at the momnent = Thi … ai a momen this 的s不清楚

  11. prefer this lighter shade here – ‘sky’ = lighter she here 不是 bright shade

  12. cash price is going to be somewhere in the region of seven and a half thousand. 没懂中文,以为听错了

  13. provided the term is reasonable 鉴于条款(购买条件)合理,我想用贷款

  14. various arrangements 各种安排

  15. It that Mrs,Miss,Ms 分别是结婚女性,单身女性,女性

  16. get hold of 把握;抓住;得到

  17. what make is it 这是什么牌子

  18. brought out the Fox 吞音t 不是broke out

  19. mileage 行驶里程

  20. metallic gray 金属灰 拼写

  21. what sort of condition would you say it’s in? it’s in不是is it

  22. I’d probably describe it as reasonable = I probly …


there is I think at Rexford

rural setting and still being = en still being

be of interest to you = beo interes to you


at Rexford

we came 7th out of 101 = 7 thou tof one hundre an one

we carried out by gov body

that the number of you = thaa number …

in industry = inndustry

enough sales talk from me = enou sales talk frome 不是not sales talk for me

take a sip of this coffee that’s just arrived = take a sipo … thas jusarrive

postal problems 不是post of problems

the hold-up is caused by references = holdo pis caused 不是the hold will face caused

you give as referees as不是us referees拼写不会

when you‘ve been accepted 不是when you can accepted


phone them up

liaise between you

liaise:When organizations or people liaise, or when one organization liaises with another, they work together and keep each other informed about what is happening. 联络

whether the English weather and food are really as awful as everybody says

student body 熟词僻意

A body is an organized group of people who deal with something officially. 团体; 组织

one or two of you = oner twoO you 不是when I tell you

touched on the subject of accommodation = touch don … ova ccommodation

touch on 谈及

add a few points = adda few points

in the allocation

there is still a need = still a nee

sort things out 不是solve things out

in short supply

snapped up = snap top

can’t 不是can,注意重读

leave it until a few days = leave itun tila few days

accommodation officer available = 不是office are available

make little or no allowance


I invite = I envi


I never filled in that form for nick = fille din tha form o ni

form弱读m 不是phone

I’ve got = I’ve ga 不是I got

6.Is that ok? = Is thao k? 听得出

7.have a look then = hava loo then 听得出

fill in 不是fill on

communication in business in不是and

when did we start= whendi we start

it must have been May 5th = it musta ve been May 5th

the day after

doesn’t seem that long ago= doesn’t seen tha lon go

finish at the end of this week = finish dai the en of this wee

That was the easy bit 这还算是容易的 没懂含义

at the begining = ai … at听着像in

in the first session = fir session 不是course session

could have done a bit more

I mean at the beginning = min ai the … 不是need the beginning

dead easy易如反掌


is been doing has

agreed targets = agree targets

by 12.5% 不是 20.5%

virgin materials纯净原材料,原材料 听出,生词

landfill sites and ?plants

生词 landfill site 垃圾填埋场 inceneration plants焚烧厂

carried out a survey of people in the street 对街头人群的调查 听出,不理解

is that there aren’t enough = is the thern’t enough


public are supposed = publiker suppose 不是public’s supposed

taken to places

bring bank 不是brainbank


baling: to tie something such as paper or hay into a large block

shouldn’t have been placed shouldn’t to be enplaced

生词bottle banks空瓶回收箱

melt at the temperature =mel the ..

oddly enough 未听出 不是irony

生词water filtration水过滤器 不是filteration

CLF Aggregates

n. Aggregate: the total after a lot of different figures or points have been added together

comes second = come ssecond获得第二名

office stationery = off stationery办公用品

is of equally high quality 未听出of

comes at a cost是有代价的

in terms of the waste produced

sells this = sell this

because of

plastic in use = plasticing use

has to be dealt with differently

activities is = activities

生词 car bumpers汽车保险杠

which are used 不是which will used

Save-a-Cup scheme

set up by = seta by被..建立

生词 vending售卖,自动售货机


which has developed = whichas

there seems to be

going on into how = going on in






Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a ____

销售:You can choose to stay in a lodge or on the campsite.
客户:I don’t like the idea of staying in a tent. It’d be too hot.

sunbathing 日光浴


fitness suite

help and advice

trampolining 生词

health problems

Gold membership entitles you to free entry

entitle: to give someone the official right to do or have something 使有权利,使有资格

professional people whose work commitments make it difficult for them to use the club during the day 那些工作很忙,白天难得来俱乐部的专业人士

booking preference 优先预约的特权

reciprocal 互相 生词

Reciprocal arrangements


a long loose piece of clothing that you wear over your night clothes or after a bath 睡袍;浴衣

photo card 注意是词组还是单词


entry for xxx competition 参加xxx比赛

drawings 没听出

Come in and tell me about it

adopt an innovative approach = adoptan innovata poroach

that hasn’t been thought of before.

kitchen appliance have you chosen

everyday kitchen appliance 日常厨房用具

rock pool: a small pool of water between rocks by the sea 〔海边岩石间的〕潮水潭

innovative = innovat

water detergent 水清洁剂


pressurise : to persuade someone to do something by making them feel it is their duty to do it 对…施加压力,强迫

so that it becomes a liquid 不是set it ..

Your system will totally do away with the need for strong detergents

do away with somebody/something: to get rid of something or stop using it 摆脱,废除

to allow them to dry

it reverts to a gas

you’ve thought it all out 你都想清楚了


Do you think it will ever be built? 你认为会有人生产这个吗?

What have you managed to do so far?

stand a good chance of winning 稳操胜券 生词

lift our profile 提升我们的形象:通过改善或强化某人或某事的特点、品质等,使之在公众眼中更具吸引力和影响力。

about a grant 助学金

thorough 注意发音



frozen over (草地)冻冰了

have a go at xxx 尝试xxx,类似have a try

Why not have a go at the quiz now?

wool hats 羊毛帽


streaming out 蜂拥而出

write about in the report that goes with the stories

report that goes with the stories 跟故事一起交的报告


go through练习….,排练…./经受某事,经历某事〔指困境、痛苦等〕/经受某事,经历某事〔指困境、痛苦等〕/〔法律〕被(议会)通过/


hear something 不是hit something

cello 大提琴 生词

highly regarded 被看重; 盛赞; 能听出但不懂

they‘d done quite extensive tours = they done quite …


quite a few won prices and competitions = quifew won …

won 不熟悉

the mean 不是 for me 不熟悉未听出

inteverview leading musicians it‘d only be = inteverv … it only be


recorded them using = record the musing

It worked out all right = It wor tou tright

didn’t emerge = didn’ temerge

worn /wɔrn/ 不熟悉

might adopt = migh tadopt

trumpet 小号 不熟悉

you’d expect there to be rules about it in orchestras 你以为是由乐队规定着装的

strayed away from quite narrow boundaries 偏离了这本就狭窄的范围

stray 偏离 生词

dress down: to wear clothes that are more informal than the ones you would usually wear

jeans instead of skirts = jean sinstead oskirts

be discounted trivial = discount dtrivial


discounted: to regard something as unlikely to be true or important 忽视,不重视〔某事〕

concert is = concer ti 不是com city

subjects I interviewed felt = subjec scinterview

all to do with what = all todo wi what all to due

to do with 处理;忍受;与…有关

they weren’t afraid of looking as if they’d made an effort to look good.

of one another = so another

safeguard players = safeguar players

safeguard: to protect something from harm or damage